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Title I Program

Mindy Poindexter
Title I Director / Homeless Liaison

(706) 382-3100 ext. 4005


Title I Program at CES

The CES Title I program helps ensure that all children meet challenging state academic content and student achievement standards. The Title I program is based on effective means of improving student achievement and includes strategies to support parental involvement. Eligible students are identified and provided with additional instructional support and resources to reach optimal grade level performance.

At Chickamauga Elementary School student learning is the primary focus. We believe that high expectations and support lead to greater student success. Education is a partnership among students, parents, school, and community. Parent involvement is a crucial part of a student’s academic success. We want parents to feel welcome and comfortable talking to teachers about their child’s education. If you have any questions about the Title I program you may contact:

Tina Heiden
(706) 382-3100 ext. 1019


Helping Children Learn Newsletter

The Helping Children Learn monthly newsletter includes strategies and tips for families to use to help their children do better in school. The newsletter is sent home monthly in the child’s Very Important Papers (VIP) packet.


Under the McKinney-Vento Education for Homeless Assistance Act, schools must identify children and youth in homeless situations and provide appropriate services.  The Chickamauga City Schools Homeless Liaison, Stacy McDaniel, works closely with the school personnel to ensure children and youth in homeless situations are identified and receive the educational and other services that they need to enable them to meet the same challenging State student academic achievement standards to which all students are held.